Email Verification

For the planet

With EcoEmails, remove spam and improve your open rates, by cleaning your email marketing databases, all while removing carbon from the air.

Up to 25% of old email marketing lists are spam traps, burner, or old unused email accounts.

Experts recommend cleaning your email marketing lists at least once a month. Here's three reasons why:

Ensure your emails hit the inbox

Improve your domain reputation score.

With our 95% deliverability assurance, we'll tag undeliverable, blacklisted and single-use addresses so you can send email campaigns with confidence and be sure you won't be labelled as spam.

Over 20% of older email addresses are spam or undeliverable

Save money on email marketing

Up to 25% of emails in a B2C database are not deliverable. Improve your marketing campaign ROI by sending out fewer emails that don't get read.

EcoEmails is carbon negative from the start. We actively remove carbon as you use our site.

Reduce your emissions

By using EcoEmails, you'll reduce your own emissions as well as contributing to collectively removing carbon, by using our world-first carbon-negative email verification platform.

More detailed questions?

Talk to our Team today.

Remove thousands of unresponsive email accounts in three easy steps

With EcoEmail email verification service, verify email addresses quickly and securely.

step one

Step One: Connect EcoEmails with your email marketing tools

It's super quick to integrate, or you can manually upload a list with our CSV email checker.

step one

Step Two: We clean your lists

We run many operations on the email addresses to detect invalid, spam, throwaway or deactivated accounts. No surprises! We do all this without sending any emails to your customers. EcoEmails takes data security and privacy seriously.

step one

Step Three: Enjoy the end result

You get a beautifully clean email list to send your next brilliant email campaign to! Turn on our 'set & forget' feature to clean new emails as they come in and periodically review the database.

Frequently asked questions