Mailchimp Integration with Zapier

EcoEmail email validation plugin allows you to validate emails on all Mailchimp fields and make sure they really exist before sending email campaigns.

EcoEmails Logo
Mailchimp Logo

Remove spam email addresses in MailChimp with EcoEmails

Did you know up to 20% of your contact list could be spam, undeliverable, or single-use emails? Clean your email lists today with EcoEmails in three simple steps:

STEP ONE: Set up integration

Within minutes you'll be up and running with EcoEmails.

STEP TWO: We'll process the results

Do a one-off email clean to refresh your email database. Rest assured knowing your database is clean.

STEP THREE: Set & Forget

Rest easy with EcoEmails, as all new emails are screened and automatically processed. Automatically delete spam emails & get alerts for email addresses to review.